Dear Friends
the terrible rainy season is evident all around us. All our streams and dams are dried out. Even our biggest dam, which hasn’t dried out in the last 18 years, only has a muddy puddle.
Compared to a lot of others we are well off with our water, thanks to the new bore holes which we mentioned in our last letter.
Ancient Technologie
Like 3000 years or more ago we make bricks by hand, stacking them to an oven and burning them.
This oven stack is contains about 42000 bricks
We burn for a week
Good Hope School
A few weeks back, we had a trainer from the i-school here again for two days. She help our teachers with some of the difficulties they are still having as well as training them further.
Namete is advising four of our teachers with headphones. In the background, four teachers are working on one of the aktivities for the children.
It does take some time before the teachers are familiar enough with the technologie so that they can actually use it in leason and not just strugle with it. However, we are making good progress. The children are definetly a lot more attentive than with the traditional teaching style. We have visitor from Canada at the moment. Favour and Fiona Simoongwe with their three kids. Favour comes from hier, the southern province of Zambia, and Fiona is canadian. They have lived in Edmonton/Canada for years. While they were here, their three kids went to Good Hope for two days and they found the leasons really cool. That is the first and a very important step: when children enjoy going to school. Then the chances are higher that they will learn something.
Agriculture College
We are preparing for our graduational ceremony. The last two weeks of classes and exams are in progress. We will report in more detail in our next letter.